please take note about this.
"Shang Tih Miao Procession" is going to be held on the 18/1/2010.
Therefore, marching practice are scheduled as below:
Date | Time | Venue |
30/12/2009 | 2.00p.m – 5.00p.m | Civic Centre |
2/1/2010 | 2.00p.m – 5.00p.m | SMK Kuching High |
3/1/2010 | 2.00p.m – 5.00p.m | Civic Centre |
9/1/2010 | 1.00p.m – 5.00p.m | SMK Kuching High |
16/1/2010 | 8.00a.m – 11.00p.m 2.00p.m – 5.00p.m | Civic Centre |
18/1/2010 | 4.00p.m - FINISH | SMK Kuching High, Kuching City |
*Dress code: RC t-shirt, long pants and black shoes
Things to bring: Name tag and enough drinking water *
For any inquiries, please look for:
Bong Yan Kai (010-9631136)
Lim Yee Fung (016-8568211)